STM32 CMake Template Documentation

A CMake template repo to allow quick porting to start a new STM32 project.

This instruction will be focusing on Windows environment setup with using VS Code.


Project using STM32L432KC as example. Test hardware is NUCLEO-L432KC.


  • Download and prepare binary of each toolchain files in a centralized folder.

  • Edit environment varialbe PATH to include those folder or it's /bin folder.

  • ST Link tools are obtained by installing STM32CCubeIDE. Then, you will be able to find it in the installaiton folder.


Essential Toolchain:

  1. ARM GNU

  2. CMake

  3. Ninja

  4. ST Link GDB Server (From CubeIDE Installation).

    Example Location:


  5. STM32_Programmer_CLI (From CubeIDE Installation)

    Example Location:


  6. Side Note: ST Link for Linux

Test Your Toolchain Installation:

Run below commands in CMD to check toolchain installation.

arm-none-eabi-gcc --version
STM32_Programmer_CLI --version
ST-LINK_gdbserver --version
cmake --version
ninja --version

VS Code Extensions

With the above toolchain and ST Link, you will be able to build and flash program into STM32 with command line. But, there's no sane person will do that everytime. Using VS Code Extension will simplify your build - flash - debug process.

Required Extension:

CMake Tools
Memory View
RTOS Views

Install with command: Ctrl + Shift + ` to open terminal, then paste (Shift + Ins) those commands.

code --install-extension twxs.cmake
code --install-extension ms-vscode.cmake-tools
code --install-extension marus25.cortex-debug
code --install-extension mcu-debug.debug-tracker-vscode
code --install-extension mcu-debug.memory-view
code --install-extension mcu-debug.rtos-views

Comprehensive Extension List

You can find a full list of my recommeded extensions in the /.vscode/extensions.json file.

CMake Basics

Every CMake-based application requires root CMakeLists.txt file in the root directory, that describes the project and provides input information for build system generation.

Essential things described in CMakeLists.txt file:

  • Toolchain and compiler information
  • Project name
  • Source files to build with compiler, C, C++ or Assembly files
  • List of include paths for compiler to find functions, defines, ... (-I)
  • MCU sepecific compiler flags
  • Linker script path
  • Compilation defines, or sometimes called preprocessor defines (-D)

Prepare CMakeList.txt file

This is the main CMake setup file.

  • Make new file in project root: CMakeList.txt

  • Modify project name, linker file, and MCU sepecific setting.

  • If you are using this project folder structure, you may run the bash script .\ and .\ to auto scan /Application folder for generating CMake source list.

  • Otherwise, you will have to modify /camke/IncludeList.cmake and /cmake/IncludeList.cmake.


# Define needed CMake verion
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.22)

# Setup cmake module path and compiler settings
# Print current build type to console
message("Build type: "              ${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE})
# Setup C and C++ version
set(CMAKE_C_STANDARD                11)
set(CMAKE_C_EXTENSIONS              ON)
set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD              17)
# Define current path for shorter reference below
set(PROJ_PATH                       ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR})
# Define .cmake module for toolchain compile flags that does holds true for all ARM projects
# This path is defined in the list() function above
set(CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE            gcc-arm-none-eabi)

# Project Name    --- MUST EDIT ---
# Part of project name but made seperate for ease of editing project name
enable_language(C CXX ASM)
# Linker File     --- MUST EDIT ---
set(linker_script_SRC               ${PROJ_PATH}/Core/STM32L432KCUX_FLASH.ld)
# The use project name for binary file name
set(EXECUTABLE                      ${CMAKE_PROJECT_NAME})

# MCU Sepecific Setting    --- MUST EDIT ---
# Make multiple for various STM32 core
# This path is defined in the list() function above

# .cmake module generated by using .\ and .\
# Those two file contains all the project source file list and include list
# This path is defined in the list() function above

# Executable files
add_executable(${EXECUTABLE} ${source_list})
# Include paths
target_include_directories(${EXECUTABLE} PRIVATE ${include_list})
# Project symbols
target_compile_definitions(${EXECUTABLE} PRIVATE ${compiler_define})
# Compiler options
target_compile_options(${EXECUTABLE} PRIVATE
# Linker options
target_link_options(${EXECUTABLE} PRIVATE
	#-u _printf_float                # STDIO float formatting support
# Execute post-build to print size
add_custom_command(TARGET ${EXECUTABLE} POST_BUILD
# Convert output to hex and binary
add_custom_command(TARGET ${EXECUTABLE} POST_BUILD
# Convert to bin file -> add conditional check?
add_custom_command(TARGET ${EXECUTABLE} POST_BUILD

Prepare Toolchain file

CMake needs to be aware about toolchain we would like to use to finally compile the project with. This file will be universal across projects.

  • Make new folder in project root: cmake
  • Make new file in folder /cmake: ./cmake/gcc-arm-none-eabi.cmake


set(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME               Generic)
set(CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR          arm)

# Some default GCC settings
# arm-none-eabi- must be part of path environment
set(TOOLCHAIN_PREFIX                arm-none-eabi-)
set(FLAGS                           "-fdata-sections -ffunction-sections --specs=nano.specs -Wl,--gc-sections")
set(CPP_FLAGS                       "-fno-rtti -fno-exceptions -fno-threadsafe-statics")

# Define compiler settings
set(CMAKE_C_COMPILER                ${TOOLCHAIN_PREFIX}gcc ${FLAGS})
set(CMAKE_OBJCOPY                   ${TOOLCHAIN_PREFIX}objcopy)
set(CMAKE_SIZE                      ${TOOLCHAIN_PREFIX}size)



Prepare MCU sepecific file

Each MCU has their own ARM compiler flags. Those are defined in a individual module for portability.


set(compiler_define ${compiler_define}

To get ARM type from STM32CubeIDE: ARM Type ARM Type2

General rule for settings would be as per table below:

STM32 Family-mcpu-mfpu-mfloat-abi
STM32F0cortex-m0Not usedsoft
STM32F1cortex-m3Not usedsoft
STM32F2cortex-m3Not usedsoft
STM32F7 SPcortex-m7fpv5-sp-d16hard
STM32F7 DPcortex-m7fpv5-d16hard
STM32G0cortex-m0plusNot usedsoft
STM32C0cortex-m0plusNot usedsoft
STM32L0cortex-m0plusNot usedsoft
STM32L1cortex-m3Not usedsoft
STM32WL CM4cortex-m4Not usedsoft
STM32WL CM0cortex-m0plusNot usedsoft

Prepare Source List and Include List file

Project source and include list are required for CMake to build the project.

This list includes HAL library and user source files.

The list is saved in /cmake folder.

The format of the list must be full path.


set(source_list ${source_list}


set(include_list ${include_list}

Auto Scan Source and Include List

Auto scan bash script has been made for STM32CubeMX generated files structure

  • In terminal Ctrl + `, run .\ and .\

  • A list of scanned source and header will be saved in /cmake folder.

You may modify bash file to expend the auto file searching for more folders.

The bash simply scan .c .cpp .s file for source. And, it scan /Inc /Include for include path.

Prepare CMakePresets.json file

CMakePresets.json provides definition for user configuration. Having this file allows developer to quickly change between debug and release mode.

  • Release: -O3 -DNDEBUG

  • Debug: -O0 -g

  • RelWithDebInfo: -O2 -g -DNDEBUG

  • MinSizeRel: -Os -DNDEBUG

  • Create file CMakePresets.json in Project Root


  "version": 3,
  "configurePresets": [
      "name": "default",
      "hidden": true,
      "generator": "Ninja",
      "binaryDir": "${sourceDir}/build/${presetName}",
      "toolchainFile": "${sourceDir}/cmake/gcc-arm-none-eabi.cmake",
      "cacheVariables": {
      "name": "Debug",
      "inherits": "default",
      "cacheVariables": {
      "CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE": "Debug"
      "name": "RelWithDebInfo",
      "inherits": "default",
      "cacheVariables": {
      "CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE": "RelWithDebInfo"
      "name": "Release",
      "inherits": "default",
      "cacheVariables": {
      "CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE": "Release"
      "name": "MinSizeRel",
      "inherits": "default",
      "cacheVariables": {
      "CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE": "MinSizeRel"

Build Project

  • Select configuration at bottom left. For example: [DEBUG].

  • Select Build to compile.



While constructing your CMakeList.txt file, the extension will try to actively read setting changes and update the cache in /build folder.

This sometime will be messed up after mutiple iteration of trials.

Simply delete the entire /build folder and build project again as described below.

Debug Project

This is using VS Code Tasks feature and Extention cortex-debug

The configuration can be defined by creating .vscode/launch.json


  "version": "0.2.0",
  "configurations": [
      "name": "ST-Link",
      "cwd": "${workspaceFolder}",
      "executable": "${command:cmake.launchTargetPath}",
      "request": "launch",
      "type": "cortex-debug",
      "servertype": "stlink",
      "interface": "swd",
      "showDevDebugOutput": "both",
      "v1": false,                            // ST-Link version
      "device": "STM32L432KC",                // MCU used [optional]
      "serialNumber": "",                     // Set ST-Link ID if you use multiple at the same time [optional]
      "runToEntryPoint": "main",              // Run to main and stop there [optional]
      "svdFile": "STM32_svd/STM32L4x2.svd"    // SVD file to see registers [optional]

      // "servertype": "stlink", will try to run command "STM32_Programmer_CLI", "ST-LINK_gdbserver", and  which must exist in your system PATH.

      // If using SWO to see serial wire view, you will have to setup "servertype": "OpenOCD". Please refer to the extension github page to learn details.

Start Debugging

Open debug tab on the left.

Debug preset ST-Link should be available to run Green Icon or F5.


Monitor Register Using SVG (System View Description) File


Flash to Target

We are using VS Code Task Ctrl + Shift + P -> Enter Tasks: run task. This will allow auto excution of custom terminal commands.

Setting keyboard short cut Ctrl + T for this is going to help you very much.

The configuration can be defined by creating file .vscode/tasks.json


  "version": "2.0.0",
  "tasks": [
      "type": "shell",
      "label": "Windows: Flash Firmware",
      "command": "STM32_Programmer_CLI",
      "args": [
      "options": {
        "cwd": "${workspaceFolder}"
      "problemMatcher": []

task shortcut

Additional Task

More task setting can be found in this project folder .vscode/ for device reset, Linux flash, and cmake build.


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