VS Code Extensions

With the above toolchain and ST Link, you will be able to build and flash program into STM32 with command line. But, there's no sane person will do that everytime. Using VS Code Extension will simplify your build - flash - debug process.

Required Extension:

CMake Tools
Memory View
RTOS Views

Install with command: Ctrl + Shift + ` to open terminal, then paste (Shift + Ins) those commands.

code --install-extension twxs.cmake
code --install-extension ms-vscode.cmake-tools
code --install-extension marus25.cortex-debug
code --install-extension mcu-debug.debug-tracker-vscode
code --install-extension mcu-debug.memory-view
code --install-extension mcu-debug.rtos-views

Comprehensive Extension List

You can find a full list of my recommeded extensions in the /.vscode/extensions.json file.