ST Link Programmer has not yet been automated.
Once completed USB Pass Through, you will be able to use st-link
to flash the device.
Option 1: Manual image usage with adding
interactive mode live. -
Option 2: Dev Container and use VS Code to excute
How To Use
Tool Details:
Confirm Connnection:
st-info --probe
Manual Flash:
st-flash write {TARGET.bin} 0x8000000
Manual Reset:
st-flash reset
Flash Device with Command Line
- Attach USB device into WSL from Windows CMD (Admin).
- Start WSL.
- Check for ST Link Connection.
- Overwrite entrypoint and volume mount an existing project on WSL.
- Invoke docker auto build with the mounted volume.
- Flash STM32
- List of Commands:
usbipd list usbipd wsl attach --busid 3-5 usbipd wsl list wsl cd {WSL_USER_PATH} ls sudo st-info --probe docker run -v {WSL_PROJECT_PATH}:{CONTAINER_PROJECT_PATH} -it --privileged --entrypoint /bin/bash jasonyangee/stm32-builder:ubuntu-latest {CONTAINER_PROJECT_PATH} st-flash write {PATH_TO_TARGET.BIN} 0x8000000
Flash Device in Dev Container
In project root, create file .vscode/tasks.json
with the following script.
{ "version": "2.0.0", "tasks": [ { "type": "shell", "label": "Linux: Flash Firmware", "command": "st-flash", "args": [ "--reset", "write", "${command:cmake.launchTargetDirectory}/${command:cmake.buildTargetName}.bin", "0x08000000" ], "options": { "cwd": "${workspaceFolder}" }, "problemMatcher": [] }, { "type": "shell", "label": "Linux: Reset Device", "command": "st-flash", "args": [ "reset" ], "options": { "cwd": "${workspaceFolder}" }, "problemMatcher": [] }, ] }